Local TV station NBC15 ran a story about our Tanzania mission. Read the excerpt below and watch the video at here.

Posted: Friday June 24, 2011 6:00 p.m.

Janeth Gabagambi, along with some of her American friends, are busy preparing a feast.

Gabagambi is originally from Tanzania but Friday she was in Karen Klemp’s kitchen preparing food that will eventually benefit people back home.

” God is using them to touch the hearts of people. Every single small gift, small or big you are donating it means a lot. It means a lot. ”

Gabagambi describes Tanzania as a beautiful place with lots of suffering.

In a little more than two months Klemp, along with members of her nonprofit group “Bringing Hope 2 Others,” will travel to Tanzania in hopes of alleviating some of that suffering.

Right now her garage is full of items they plan on donating. But in the drive way is where you’ll find the most important item: a retired ambulance.

Klemp says, ” We’re going to be loading this with a patient cart and these are all supplies that have been packed already for the event. ”

Klemp’s trip to Tanzania begins next week even though she won’t get on a plane until September.

The ambulance will take six to eight weeks to ship. Although the group is generous – everything has a price. And they still need $9,000 to get the ambulance to Tanzania.

The group is hosting a fundraiser tomorrow night. For more information look under newslinks on our webchannel.