The idea for Hats 4 Hope came from an elementary school girl, Rachel, who wanted to collect baby items for Newborn Care Kits for Hope 2 Others.

Mother and baby at the Arusha clinic
The kits include a hat, blanket, booties/socks, onesie and sleeper size 3 to 9 months, two cloth diapers, baby toy, bar of baby soap, and flip flops and toothbrush for the mother.
Hope 2 Others has found amazing support for the project. Each year at the Madison Quilt Expo, we collect donations of blankets, hats, and clothing. We are also excited to partner with R.S.V.P. of Dane County, whose senior members make booties, hats and blankets for the kits.
While we are humbled by the reception we have received so far, there is no such thing as too much help. The first kits were distributed at the Ngarenaro Health Center in Arusha, Tanzania in June of 2014. On average, 300 babies are born at the clinic every month, which averages out to 10 babies every day.
The simple gift can make a huge difference in the life of a child, where threat of death from infant hypothermia is a real concern. According to Save the Children, “it takes just two minutes for a wet, newborn baby to lose a dangerous two degrees in body temperature. Most of this vital heat is lost through soft spots on a baby’s head.”
From May-August, Tanzania experiences its rainy and winter seasons. “People don’t think countries along the equator are cool, but when you are in the mountains and at altitude and in the rainy season, it gets very chilly, and it does not take much for a baby to lose its heat,” Hope 2 Others Founder Karen Klemp said.
Blankets: We accept blankets in many shapes, sizes, and types. We suggest a size of 36-40 inches square, of a warm weight that will fit in our 2.5 gallon plastic bag with the other clothing items. Use your creativity and expertise.
Hats: Hats should fit a full term 7-9 pound baby and stretch to fit nicely on a baby’s head – just snug enough to stay on but not so tight to constrict their head growth. Here’s a hat pattern you can use.
Other: We accept all donations. Examples of helpful items include: hats, blankets, booties/socks, onesies/sleepers (size 3 to 9 months), cloth diapers, small baby toys, bar of baby soap, and for the mother – flip flops and toothbrushes.
Mailing address: All donations can be sent to Hope 2 Others, P.O. Box 1006, Sun Prairie, WI 53590. Donations can also be brought to drop-off sites at: Blue Bar Quilts (6333 University Ave., Middleton), The Colonial Club Senior Center (301 Blankenheim Ln., Sun Prairie) and Prairie Junction (223 E. Main St., Sun Prairie).
Together, we can make a difference!