Patty & Barry Mahlum know the meaning of Christmas miracles.

Both of their daughters were born premature and spent time in the NICU. Josie (a now healthy 5-year old) was born at 28 weeks and spent 100 days in the NICU. Olivia (a now healthy 2-year old) was born at 32 weeks and also spent a significant amount of time in the NICU. Patty & Barry have never had much, nor have they ever asked for much.

This precious NICU family has once again experienced a miracle. This past summer they were asleep in their home during the July 10, 2018 gas explosion that shook downtown Sun Prairie. The family is forever grateful for the selfless act of bravery by Sun Prairie Fireman Cory Barr, who came into their apartment and helped them evacuate. Without his dedication and fearlessness, they would not be together this year to celebrate Christmas. They consider him their HERO as he sacrificed his life and saved theirs. Allowing them to be able to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas this year.

They have each other, but have lost everything else. Their home burnt to the ground, along with their belongings, mementoes, heirlooms, family cat, and more. The humble family has since found a new place to live, but are now struggling to spread holiday cheer to their children. (For example, they got a tree, but had no decorations.) Help us bring JOY to their home this Christmas. 

Hope 2 Others will be donating cash to the family this year, and we are asking for your support as well. Cash or Tax-deductible Money donations can be made to: Hope 2 Others “Christmas Families Donation”.

• MAIL TO: HOPE 2 OTHERS, PO BOX 1006, Sun Prairie, WI 53590
• PAYPAL: Click on “Donate” below to send money via our secured PayPal account.

Santa will be making a delivery of food, gift certificates and gifts donated by NICU staff, and monetary donations we receive on Christmas Eve. Thank you everyone for your compassionate and giving hearts this Holiday Season. You are making a difference in the lives of this family.

May you all be abundantly blessed as you bless this family!!